Hayley & Karl's Wedding at Little Branches in the Wairarapa

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

Photographed a beautiful couple, Hayley & Karl, on the day of their Wedding on a very sunny and lovely day. Enjoyed the light and the laughter. I was also very impressed with the natural and relaxed country style at the venue: Little Branches near Featherston.

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

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#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue The Tin Hut in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

#wedding photographer in Wairarapa# wedding venue little Branches in Wairarapa#

Stef & Andrew's Wedding at the Onoke spit, Wairarapa

Wedding at the Onoke Spit, Wairarapa# Wedding Photographer Wairarapa

Wedding at the Onoke Spit, Wairarapa# Wedding Photographer Wairarapa

Stefanie & Andrew were so relaxed about their wedding. Stef told me that her two sheep dogs were to be her bridesmaids. And they were just perfect-it was really such a cool and cute idea. 

The Onoke Spit near Ocean Beach in the South Wairarapa was such a perfect place for the Ceremony for this very "outside" orientated couple. Everything went just so beautiful and smoothly, including the weather in this unsettled seeming Summer. 


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Jill & Gerry’s Wedding in Brackenridge, Wairarapa

Wedding photographer in Wairarapa# Wedding in Brackenridge in Wairarapa

Wedding photographer in Wairarapa# Wedding in Brackenridge in Wairarapa

I was very impressed with Jill and Gerry's relaxed yet decisive personalities, starting from when Jill first contacted me, when we met for the first time, throughout the Pre-Wedding shoot and during the Wedding itself.

Actually, they seemed to organize everything of their wedding just as naturally and well as they manage the famous 5-star Tongariro Lodge in Turangi.

Wedding photographer in Wairarapa# Wedding in Brackenridge in Wairarapa

Wedding photographer in Wairarapa# Wedding in Brackenridge in Wairarapa

Both Jill & Gerry came from the Wairarapa and Gerry told me that he wanted a couple of shots with the Tararua Mountain Range as the background, as this would remind him of when he met Jill. And fortunately, we found a perfect spot with this scenery just two minute's drive away from Brackenridge.


Although the weather wasn't perfect on their wedding day, it still showed some mercy to us with the rain easing off whenever we needed to get a particular set of shots. And in the end, the weather didn't matter at all as it was obviously a wonderful day for them and their guests anyway.

I felt privileged to be a part of this Brackenridge wedding.


It's not complete without a print

I always feel excited when my images are printed on fine-art paper and I see them slowly come out from the printer. :) I could tell the texture and tones are much richer than on the more common matte and glossy paper.

#Maternity photography in Wairarapa, Wellington

#Maternity photography in Wairarapa, Wellington

Beautiful Andrea Weston just told me that her little baby boy has already arrived ! Congratulations to her ! She sounds so happy right now and her laughter also reminded me of the fun day we had when talented Gail Wilson and I documented her and her "soon-to-be-born" baby in a milk-bath in Gail's cosy "Turret House" Salon in Martinborough. Andrea loves yellow, so Hair and Makeup artist Gail set up a lovely yellow tone with lemons and fresh flowers picked from her garden.

And I brought my chiffon fabric to make the bath look even more dreamy and subtle.
I always think the maternity stage is so dramatically beautiful and powerful for women and I'm really looking forward to showing her these prints on the lovely fine-art paper.

Professional attitude even for a passport shot

My friend just told me that the passport photo I took for her has already passed the "Online Passport Photo Requirements". She is fairly happy because just before, she spent $20 for a passport shot in a Wellington photographer's studio, but that image DIDN'T pass the NZ Official Passport Requirements... It was because of over exposure...

I was a little bit surprised that some photographers dare to charge clients money and even didn't spend the time to read the regulations about passport photos...

It was actually my first time to take a passport photo for someone and I even found it quite fun experimenting with the lighting in my Studio. But it was also necessary because the passport lighting requirements are incredibly specific. The light has to be very soft, with no reflection on the face and no shadow in the background.

I ended up using two soft-boxes (quite far away from her) and one flash that bounced light onto the white ceiling and finally, I used a reflector which rested on her knees as well. Anyway, it was an interesting experience and ended up working out very well.

I guess later, if anybody needs passport photos in the Wairarapa, I will proudly say, "Yup, I can help!"

(# Passport photo taking in Wairarapa)

Amy & Dave's wedding

I met Amy when we were both working on the Creative Fibre Fashion Show in 2013. At the time, she was thinking about becoming a professional Make-up artist and (because this was before I made the decision to totally switch to Photography), I was still exploring whether I could continue my previous career as a Fashion Designer now that I had come to New Zealand.

A year later, both of us had already stepped fully into our new careers and we had even worked together on a couple of my photo-shoots. Our friendship was naturally built up from simply getting on well together and our willingness to help each other's careers.

When I reviewed the images I took on her Wedding Day, I was touched all over again by the true love and connections which I saw, not only between Amy and Dave, but between those two and their family and friends. I hope you will also enjoy and share some of the same feelings from these beautiful moments on their Wedding Day. . .






        和 Baker 姐妹去 Palliser 海角的这个晴朗的夏日,给 18 岁的 Erica 披了件以前我设计的雪纺裙,她欢快轻盈的飘进海边的花丛,头发被海风扬起,我在灯塔上用长焦记录了那一刻。。。


     16岁的 Kirstie 和她的马儿,仿佛在彼此述说着秘密的心事。。。





Wondering in Time 在时光中穿行——Wharekauhau 拍摄散记(一)

我在 Astra Bridal 见到这件高腰线全蕾丝的柔软礼服时, 头脑中闪现出一位二零年代的女子在 Wharekauhau 穿行的画面。。。

她刚从 Edwardian 的紧身胸衣中解放出来头发还些许保留了旧日时光的格调连同落寞贵族的一点郁郁寡欢。。。  

她刚从 Edwardian 的紧身胸衣中解放出来





美丽的 Aislinn 不过十九岁一笑两个酒窝是我们 Wairarapa 去年的选美皇后一开始觉得她太顽皮年轻不一定适合来拍这个角色但造型师Jo 却信心满满之前和她不停交流各种造型意见到实拍前的头一晚我睡的很好Jo 却被我一句“要混搭的造型”搞的整晚没睡着。。。

美丽的 Aislinn 不过十九岁


是我们 Wairarapa 去年的选美皇后



但造型师Jo 却信心满满



Jo 却被我一句要混搭的造型搞的整晚没睡着。。。

Aislinn & Jo 都没让我失望我要的那种平静而略带敏感的表情和肢体语言配合Jo的造型都一一在我的镜头里呈现 有时我这样望着镜头里的 Aislinn仿佛能听到窗外的雨声。。。 

Aislinn & Jo 都没让我失望



 有时我这样望着镜头里的 Aislinn



Wharekauhau 冬季红色起居室中的这面老屏风沉郁精致的恰到好处它让我想起伦勃朗绘画中那些神秘暗夜一样的背景。。。  

Wharekauhau 冬季红色起居室中的这面老屏风





刚从繁复暗沉的维多利亚年代走出来的爱德华七世在新艺术运动的影响下让光线与花朵开始大量涌入房间在 Wharekauhau 一片轻盈的粉蓝、果绿、暖黄、珍珠灰中我却对这个红色房间情有独钟。。。




Wharekauhau 一片轻盈的粉蓝、果绿、暖黄、珍珠灰中














Model: Aislinn Norman

Make up artist and hair dresser: Joanne Bentley https://www.facebook.com/joanne.bentley.9022

Wedding dress: Astra Bridal

Photo by Qingster Photography


When Winter Had Almost Past..冬天已往 Wharekauhau 拍摄散记(二)

When winter had almost past, the "essence of spring" Edwardian girl stepped out of her boudoir, descended to the room facing Cape Palliser and wrote a letter to her lover... She opened the door, stepped outside and delighted in the fresh air from the ocean and the fields, luxuriating in the delicate fragrance of spring…


冬天已往, Edwardian 的春天女孩走下楼来,在那个能看的见大海的房间给远方的恋人写了一封信,然后她推开门,沉浸在带着Palliser 海湾信风味道的春天里。。。


Edwardian 时代的家具,大量使用藤编材质,花草纹样也被广泛应用到各类家居产品之中。。。

Edwardian 时代的家具,大量使用藤编材质,花草纹样也被广泛应用到各类家居产品之中。。。



在Edwardian 年代的房间中,印度与日本式样的丝绸家纺也比比皆是。。。

Edwardian 年代的房间中,印度与日本式样的丝绸家纺也比比皆是。。。




在 Wharekauhau 与 Palliser 海湾之间是绿茵茵的草地和清澈的水塘,据说上次威廉王子一家造访,天气极差,他对经理Richard说, “听说前面是片海?”

Wharekauhau Palliser 海湾之间是绿茵茵的草地和清澈的水塘,据说上次威廉王子一家造访,天气极差,他对经理Richard, “听说前面是片海?”





不知有多少美妙的新娘,曾站在 Wharekauhau 的廊前草地上,海风清扬裙裾,憧憬她未来将要开启的另一段人生旅程。。。 Model: Aislinn NormanMake up artist and hair dresser: Joanne Bentley https://www.facebook.com/joanne.bentley.9022Wedding dress: Astra Bridal http://www.astrabridal.co.nz/Photo by Qin…

不知有多少美妙的新娘,曾站在 Wharekauhau 的廊前草地上,海风清扬裙裾,憧憬她未来将要开启的另一段人生旅程。。。


Model: Aislinn Norman

Make up artist and hair dresser: Joanne Bentley https://www.facebook.com/joanne.bentley.9022

Wedding dress: Astra Bridal http://www.astrabridal.co.nz/

Photo by Qingster Photography

A little dramatic day with Hana

Model: Hana Brough
Make up Artist and Hair Dresser: Joanne Bentley www.calmatherapies.co.nz
Wedding Dress: Astra Bridal
Jewellery: Adorne in Greytown
Photos by: Qingster Photography www.qingster.co.nz

The amber-green eyed model Hana reminded me of some old movies that I have watched from the 1950s. Then together with Jo's creativity and skill, that vintage look finally stepped out from my imagination.

The weather wasn't as good as the Weatherman said it would be, but when we were taking photos in that old house opposite Stonehenge, golden sunshine burst out from the thick cloud. And this made everyone feel much better about the day.

Unfortunately, the river/forest scenery I wanted to shoot at had been badly damaged by a recent storm - which was something of a pain. . . . Luckily though, Jo brought us back to Greytown to a peaceful river spot where we set up instead, and actually, these shots by the river turned out to be my very favourite...

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